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SIAM Journal on Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 7, Issue 4, pp. 393-541

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Complexity of Task Sequencing with Deadlines, Set-Up Times and Changeover Costs

John Bruno and Peter Downey

pp. 393-404

Polynomial Algorithms for Deterministic Pushdown Automata

Daniel J. Rosenkrantz and Harry B. Hunt III

pp. 405-412

Finding a Minimum Circuit in a Graph

Alon Itai and Michael Rodeh

pp. 413-423

Generating $t$-Ary Trees Lexicographically

Frank Ruskey

pp. 424-439

Polynomial Time Enumeration Reducibility

Alan L. Selman

pp. 440-457

Some Polynomial and Integer Divisibility Problems are $NP$-Hard

David Plaisted

pp. 458-464

Minimal-Comparison $2,3$-Trees

Arnold L. Rosenberg and Lawrence Snyder

pp. 465-480

Tree Size by Partial Backtracking

Paul W. Purdom

pp. 481-491

Ranking and Listing Algorithms for $k$-Ary Trees

Anthony E. Trojanowski

pp. 492-509

Generalized Connectors

Nicholas Pippenger

pp. 510-514

On the Loop Switching Addressing Problem

Andrew Chi-Chih Yao

pp. 515-523

The Unsolvability of the Equivalence Problem for $\varepsilon $-Free NGSM's with Unary Input (Output) Alphabet and Applications

Oscar H. Ibarra

pp. 524-532

A Technique for Extending Rapid Exact-Match String Matching to Arrays of More than One Dimension

Theodore P. Baker

pp. 533-541